IYC Cruises

Dream, Explore & Discover Luxury Cruising

IYC Cruises is a Luxury Caribbean Cruise Line that offers you an exclusive vacation on our small luxury cruise ships that give you a private yacht experience.
Charity Caribbean Islands


Island Life Charities

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

-Margaret Mead

IYC Cruises is unique in its DNA. From the inception, the company’s ethos was built on a strong commitment to give back. Hence, we are committed to giving a percentage of net cruise fare proceeds to charity. These monies will be used to give back to agriculture, fisheries, healthcare, orphanage & foster care, the environment and education in the Caribbean.

Fishing Island Yacht Club Cruises Caribbean Islands
Ceveche Island Yacht Club Cruises Caribbean Islands
Farm 2 Table
Organic Agriculture Island-Yacht Club Cruises Caribbean Islands
Organic Agriculture

We believe that we can have a substantial impact on the lives of those around us in many innovative ways. With our ships home porting in the Caribbean, we consider the Caribbean our home. And therefore, we employ Caribbean citizens and are excited to see the potential growth we can bring to the islands in terms of gainful employment. What’s more, our delicious cuisine comes from local Caribbean fisherman who benefit from our business. Our organic fruits and vegetables come from local island agriculture farms. And you benefit from enjoying the freshest Farm 2 Fork cuisine onboard our ships. As you can see – we care about the Caribbean. Come join us aboard and be part of the change.

Isn’t it Amazing? Every time you cruise, you are making a difference to someone in need in the Caribbean.


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